The Elegant Seagulls are excited to welcome Myles Kedrwoski to the flock. Myles brings a depth of design knowledge and will be joining us from Minneapolis, making him the first Minnesotan gull on staff. We think you’re going to like him, after all, everyone loves a Minnesotan. We can’t wait for you to see the talent he brings to the team. Enjoy below a few words from Myles himself.
“One third Spartan, one third man child, one third web designer. There’s a strong chance I was born with sword and shield in hand. I also firmly believe I would survive the zombie apocalypse. More importantly though, I believe that web design is becoming too complacent and molds are being made that we as designers need to break. I believe the handsome gentlemen at Elegant Seagulls are doing just that. Breaking molds. I’m grateful to be a part of the family and to bring my cards to the table.”
With its isolating qualities wool naturally regulates the body temperature – nice and warm when it’s chilly and cooling.
was published and sold in a local book store. It was a hand drawn image of an alien blowing up earth paired with a caption that said “take me to your reader”. Interesting Fact: My introduction to design was in 5th grade. I won a bookmark contest where my design was published and sold in a local book store. It was a hand drawn image of an alien blowing up earth paired with a caption that said “take me to your reader”.
Readers Comments
I do entrepreneurial art projects that are meaningful, relevent, and push me creatively like @INBARFilm. More: http://www.nelsonroberto.com/
Alex Phil
I do entrepreneurial art projects that are meaningful, relevent, and push me creatively like @INBARFilm. More: http://www.nelsonroberto.com/
Murphy Rose